The dessert...oreo dirt cake and brownies

All the kids checking out the presents.

Nathan in his birthday hat.

His "big" present, a tabletop train set.
I still cannot believe Nathan has turned 3! Where did the time go? I still remember what it was like to find out I was pregnant with him. Then learning it was a boy and going through all the joys of feeling him kick and seeing him grow. I remember just really wanting to know what he would look like. I will never forget that moment after they cleaned him up and set him on my chest. He just held onto my finger and stared into my eyes. Love at first sight. Ever since then he has continued to amaze me with the amount of love I feel for him. This little person who is so much like me, I feel like I have known him my whole life. Now he is becoming this big boy who likes to be so dependent but still needs me in many ways. He is starting to say the funniest things that leave us cracking up forever. Nathan is a typical big brother, spending half his time loving his brother and the other half picking on him. What a joy he has been in our life. I cannot wait to see what he becomes. I just pray that I can take him in as he is and enjoy each moment because as I have already experienced, it goes by too fast.
The party went great, he had lots of fun with family. We could barely tear him away from the train set we had given him earlier in the day but he enjoyed himself nonetheless. We had lots of good food, he was blessed with some fun gifts, and we even got to do a pinata thanks to gma PeePee and Papa PooPoo. We missed family and friends who couldn't attend but it was still a wonderful day of celebrating Nathan. Hope for many more just like it:)
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