Love Story

Sunday, January 2, 2011

This New Year

Ah, the excitement of a new year is upon us. The Christmas decorations are being taken down, the new gifts are finding their place in our home and the busyness of the holidays is settling. Life as we know it is going back to normal as we get ready for whatever 2011 has in store for us.

Normally this time of year has me feeling excited over the possibilities of a new start. All sorts of resolutions race through my mind as the permission to start over is granted with the dropping of the ball. This year I am just not feeling it. Maybe it's because I didn't actually stay up until midnight (hey, mother of a 7 month old here...I'm allowed to be lame like that!) so the whole change over hasn't set in. I think more likely it is because this last week, most of this last year really, has been so full of blessings that I do not find myself looking ahead for what's to come. I am actually relishing in what I have at this moment which is such a good feeling. I got to spend the holidays with all of my favorite people and I just soaked up that time realizing how truly blessed I am in this life. I am so grateful that this year brought us Isaiah, who along with his two older brothers has shown me what life is really about. I appreciate the increased opportunities my husband and I have had to serve in our church. I realize that I am in a marriage that is getting stronger each year and I know that this isn't something to take for granted. I have family who truly loves me and supports me in all that I do. These things alone are enough to make me want to hold onto the moment as it feels as if it can't get any better than this.

That being said, as I sit and think about it I do have plans for this year and hope to use the time I am given to work towards being the woman I am meant to be. While the typical lose weight, get organized, etc. are on my list the real goal I am setting is to become more of a woman of virtue. The biggest areas I struggle in that I am feeling convicted to change are to no longer allow laziness/idleness to rule my day, to be more present for my kids and husband, and to be a good steward of what God has given body, my time, my money, my home, my family. This is a big task!! If I am totally honest with myself these are things I may have to work my whole life at and never truly accomplish to the level I am striving to reach. It is not like saying I want to lose XX lbs. The scale will tell you when you have reached that goal and you can feel released to finish your weight loss journey. To strive to be a woman of God is to commit to a life long journey of getting closer to him and trying to align my will with his. Overwhelming when looking at the big picture but so exciting to think of what he can do with my life in this next year if I continue to allow him to guide it. I am not even going to guess what I will have to write about when reflecting on 2011 but I can't wait to find out. Hey, I did manage to get excited talking about the new year...just needed to take a minute and think about it I guess! 

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