It never ceases to amaze me how funny life can be. The little things that always interweave and make us realize how connected everything is.
We haven't been watching much of the Olympics this time around. Truth be told our tv is pretty much controlled by the children these days. If they are up and the tv is on it is either something on PBS Kids, Qubo, or a movie. At night Jeremy and I have two or three shows every week that we watch regularly but other than that we prefer movies or old shows on DVD. So for whatever reason yesterday I decided to turn on the Olympics. I thought for sure the kids would just go do their own thing and find no interest in it whatsoever. But a few minutes in I hear Nathan saying, "Mommy I like this show, what is it?" So I told him it was skiing and went about cleaning up. He just kept talking and talking about how much he liked it. Then this morning first thing he asked if I would turn on skiing. It really amazed me that he had that much interest in it.
I got to thinking about it while I was getting ready this morning and it hit me. The irony of all of this. Four years ago when I was pregnant with Nathan the winter Olympics were on. Jeremy was working night shifts then so during the day I would be stuck entertaining myself and with no cable would sometimes turn it to whatever they were doing on the Olympics. At this time we didn't know if we were having a boy or girl but I was trying to narrow down names and would use any inspiration I could find. I literally watched all the credits at the end of movies because they provided lists of names all in one place. On one particular day I had the tv on for background noise as I was knitting and looked up to watch some skiing. It was men so I was watching as each one took their turn and of course they were displaying their names on the screen so I was reading each one to see if anything caught my interest. And then one name did. Nathan. Nathan. I just kept saying it to myself over and over again and thought, "hmmm, this could be good." And so it was added to the list. In fact, it was at the top of the list.
So this is how Nathan came to be named. And I had totally forgotten about it until today as I watched Nathan take such an interest in Olympic skiing. Everything came back to me, took me back to that moment in time. It is amazing how these things happen. How small insignificant events become so meaningful. That in life most things truly come around full circle.

Very neat! I also did what you did...searching everywhere for a name with our first!! The part that made me smile was movie credits...I did that all the time!!