Love Story

Friday, October 12, 2012

Lunch Round Up #3

I am feeling pretty pleased with the lunch line up so far...while some things show up in the rotation on a more regular basis than others, I feel like I have kept a decent amount of variety in his lunch box. I will admit that part of the reason for that is the accountability of sharing it here. Whatever gets the job done, right?
Apple slices with peanut butter, homemade fries and cucumbers with ranch dipper, popcorn and chocolate

Rice cakes, string cheese, celery sticks with peanut butter, carrots, banana
carrots, lunch meat, cheese cubes, cucumber slices, popcorn, banana
pumpkin cornbread, oranges, applesauce with cinnamon, carrots, rice cakes with crock pot refried beans
Made this lunch special for my visit to his school (all his favorite things!) carrots, cornmeal and cheddar biscuits, homemade mac n cheese, turkey rice meatballs
orange slices, celery, leftover chicken and fries with ketchup dipper from his brother's birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse
banana, cucumbers, homemade tortillas and crock pot refried beans rolled up and fried with ranch dipper, carrots
Want more ideas? Check out past round ups:
Lunch Round Up #1
Lunch Round Up #2

I also have to be a little bit of a lunch container nerd and share how excited I am about the new dipping cups I got. I love, love, love the EasyLunchBoxes I have been using for 2 years now but couldn't find a dip container that fit inside. Imagine my excitement when they came out with their own perfectly sized dipping cups that have a snug lid and fit right inside the container!! You can find them here or on Amazon. (and no I am not getting reimbursed for this plug...I just truly love the product and wanted to share for any of you looking for the same kind of thing:)


  1. Oh wow Chrystal! Thank you for all the wonderful pics and enthusiasm for my products! :)

  2. You are so welcome! We use your products daily and they are definitely worthy of sharing:)

  3. Where did you get the tupperware. I like the compartments. does it get mixed together as it rolls around in their backpacks. Always trying to improve lunch!

  4. They are from EasyLunchBoxes and can be found on Amazon:
    Also, if you look them up on Facebook she is always sharing awesome lunch ideas! They have a loose lid so that kids can remove them easily so I haven't had much success with packing anything like applesauce or yogurt without it coming out of it's compartments, but I just use the mini dipping cups with lids for that kind of stuff.


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