A little over 2 weeks ago we celebrated the birth of our twins. On July 9th I got up bright and early for my scheduled C-section (Samuel was breech the ENTIRE pregnancy, little stinker). I was nervous having only experienced vaginal deliveries before but it all went quickly and smoothly and at 8:13am Samuel Craig came into the world weighing 7lb 5oz, followed immediately by Amelia Joyce at 8:14 weighing 6lb 13oz. You read that right folks - about 14 pounds of baby in all. And that was at 37 weeks, imagine if I had gone longer! Such an answered prayer to have them come into the world healthy. They went to the nursery initially as is protocol for all C-section babies but joined me shortly in recovery and were with us the rest of our stay in the hospital. They were actually ready to be released before I was! Let's get on to the good stuff - pictures of my adorable babies.
My last pregnant picture, I think the day before delivery at 36w6d -
Here are some pictures from that first day:
And a few of my favorites since then:
We are just overflowing with new baby love (times two!) and getting used to being a family of 7. Looking forward to watching them grow but so trying to cherish this sweet time that I am sure will fly by. Lack of sleep and all!